Let's rewind to the beginning. I wake up VERY disoriented--I seriously have no clue where I am--but, alas, I'm in my bed in Norman, OK. (Far less exciting than where I woke up LAST Wednesday morning in CHICAGO).
I get out of bed in a rush, early class this morning.. I do my hair, only to be ruined 20 minutes later on my walk to class thanks to the DENSE FOG ADVISORY (WTH..)
Class is whatever. The only good part of going to class today was that while I was in it..it warmed up outside!! It's 75 degrees when I come outside. (One of the things Oklahoma has going for it).
BEAUTIFUL DAY--I go running, I go tanning (Sorry, no laundry, GTL). Then I go to Walmart.
Because I'm going the Daytona Beach, Florida for spring break this year.. and I've decided drastic waistline maintenance is in order, I am now in need of the basic diet necessities. produce, chicken, and eggs.
While browsing the produce section...minding my own business...I suddenly find myself right in the middle of a "hubub" as my sister would say (which simply means anything out of the ordinary). An old man had suddenly fallen out of his motorized shopping cart. Like legitimately on the floor, clothes disheveled, his hat about 5 feet from where he landed.
I freeze.
I know I'm not the only one who has seen this, but I literally cannot move. But, I didn't have to.
Two "FRAT"astic boys rush to the old man's aid. They proceed to help him up back into his cart, pick up his hat, are asking him if he's OK. You can tell that they don't know this guy from Adam, yet their reflexes to help another human in need were so on queue...I was INSPIRED.
Normally, I hate frat guys. They're usually not very smart, they all dress the same (polo shirts, khaki's, and Sperry's) and they take great pleasure in making fun of people.
These two TOTALLY broke the stereotype. Maybe just for a second, but I saw it. They stood there for a good 20 minutes with the store manager while she called the old guy's family. They stayed there... repeatedly asking if he was all right.
Maybe I'm too quick to stereotype. Or maybe it's basic instinct to help another human when they desperately need it.
Maybe there are some decent people left in this world after all.
I hope he didn't break his heeeep!